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Accommodation in Oskarshamn

Hotel/hostels rooms are reserved at four places in Oskarshamn.

Book reserved rooms via e-mail by using booking code:


Forum Conference Center

Hotel Post

  • Distance to conference center: 0,3 km
  • Price single room: 1520 SEK (double 1620 SEK)
  • Address: Östra Torggatan 13
  • Phone: +46 491 160 60
  • E-mail:
  • Room reserved until: 18/8
  • Book by e-mail to use booking code CET2024


  • Distance to conference center: 1,0 km
  • Price single room: 1195 SEK
  • Address: Sjöfartsgatan 13
  • Phone: +46 491-76 83 00
  • E-mail:
  • Room reserved until: 31/8
  • Book by e-mail to use booking code CET2024

Hotel Corallen

  • Distance to conference center: 2,8 km
  • Price single room: 1526 – 1706 SEK
  • Address: Gröndalsgatan 35
  • Phone: +46 491 76 81 81
  • E-mail:
  • Room reserved until: 28/8
  • Book by e-mail to use booking code CET2024

Hostel Logi Tuppen

  • Distance to conference center: 1 km
  • Price single room, 3 nights 2280 SEK, 2 nights 1560 SEK, breakfast included.
  • Price double room, 3 nights 1830 SEK/person, 2 nights 1260 SEK/person, breakfast included.
  • Address: Axel Munthes Stig 1
  • Phone: +46 491-768105 or +46 70-2618082 (closed July 1th – 14th)
  • E-mail:
  • Book by e-mail to use booking code CET2024

First Camp Gunnarsö Holiday Cabins

  • Hotel Corallen Oskarshamn
  • Hotell Post Oskarshamn
  • Badholmen Oskarshamn
  • Forum